7 Days Exchange & Refund Policy

  • If goods have problems or you don’t like it. In any case We will gladly accept any unused, unwashed and without any flaws with original Packing and tags within 7 Days of purchase for a refund or an exchange.
  • Please return goods with a copy of the invoice and mention the reason for returning the items.
  • Customer needs to return the merchandise via traceable delivery i.e. courier or registered post on his own expense to our address.

(JJ Flowers, Street # 5 (Anarkali), Jhangbazar, Faisalabad.)

  • Delivery Charges will not be refunded.
  • Refund requests will be processed within 7 working days after receiving the return products.
  • For further queries about exchanges and returns, please contact us at info@jsons.com.pk or Whatsapp at 03106666282